The Type bar at mfaNow
The Type Bar took dictation at two MFA overnights this winter. We engaged dozens of typists to type roughly 500 letters between the two events. Supported by the Fenway Community Center, Type Bar volunteers and guests heard each others stories and hand typed the messages mailing them to people in over 25 countries and 21 U.S. states. Thank you to all the volutneers that came out to support each overnight event in October and December. It was truly a thrill to see the joy and contemplation you were able to bring to the audience of letter creators who dictated to you. Special thanks to the few of you who showed up, and just decided to volunteer on the spot. This means a lot to the project.
One volunteer who found us that night sent the following message. “Thank you again for the opportunity to volunteer at the MFA last night. It was both simple and extraordinary. The typewriters themselves, and the interaction with the people who wanted to share words through typing, were memorable. My family and I spent joyful time elsewhere in the museum that night, but the type bar was the most engaging experience by far.”

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Type Bar New Year - spreading the art of slow communication | Type Bar
[…] Also thanks to Museum of Fine Arts Boston for inviting us to two of the MFA overnights. Thanks for bringing the Type Bar to so many […]